Gold and porcelain dental fillings are typically cemented to the surrounding tooth enamel with a strong dental grade adhesive. Amalgam and composite dental fillings start out as a pliable material that bonds to the adjacent tooth enamel when cured with a special ultraviolet light.
If you struggle to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine, the buildup of plaque acids and bacteria in your mouth can gradually start to weaken the connection between a dental filling and the tooth enamel. This is even more likely to occur with large and old fillings.
As this starts to happen you might notice a sharp pain when chewing on that tooth, heightened sensitivity, or a change in texture. A slight gray shade that develops in the surrounding tooth enamel is also a cause for concern. It could indicate that a new area of tooth decay has developed near the dental filling.
Sometimes Dr. Ryan Bailey can replace a failing filling by removing it along with a small amount of surrounding tooth enamel. Then they can apply a new, slightly larger dental filling to repair the tooth.
If a new area of tooth decay has developed, Dr. Ryan Bailey might recommend treating the tooth with a dental crown. If you’ve been experiencing toothache pain, it could mean the tooth decay affects the pulp or root of the tooth. This will require Dr. Ryan Bailey to perform a root canal before preparing the tooth to receive a dental crown.
If you live in the Grants Pass, Oregon, area and you suspect one of your dental fillings is failing, you should call 541-479-5505 to have it examined and treated at Open Door Family Dentistry.